Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Boa Constructor IDE for Python

Boa Constructor is an excellent IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Python.
Boa is also a very good RAD GUI (Rapid Application Development Graphical User Interface) for Python.

1. Download and Install Python Version 2.4.2

From download and

Now the program group "Python 2.4" with the essential IDLE Python shell have been installed. Try it and check that the Python Manuals have also been installed.

2. Download and Install Zope Version 2.8.4

From download and

Accept the default options during installation and give a password for your new admin account. At the end you will be shown the "README.html" file, read it and click
on the first link "http://localhost:8080/manage" to access the Zope
Management Interface.

A login window will pop-up, use:
User Name: admin
Password: [what you choosed during installation]

The Zope Management Interface will be shown, on top right next to the
"Add" button choose the last product "Zope Tutorial" from the
drop-down menu, and click the "Add" button. Give it a name:
If you press the "Refresh" link on the left navigator frame, the
object "Tutorial" will appear.
Click on "Start Tutorial" and a separate window will appear, it will
explain you the examples and you will learn the basics of Zope!
You can also navigate through the examples using the left navigator frame.

3. Download and Install WxPython (prerequisite for BoaConstructor)

From download and install
No program group is added at this point (but the libraries are available).

Install also the Docs, Demo, Samples, etc. from
A program group "wxPython2.8 Docs Demo and Tools" is added, you might
want to give a quick look at the DEMO.
There is a lot of material in the Demo, you can even look at the
Python source code.

4. Download and Install BoaConstructor 0.6.1-beta

Download the file boa-constructor-0.6.1.src.win32.exe from

Enjoy it and let me know if you need any help!

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